What I remember...

Monday, October 6, 2008

I'll be hosting a speed scrap...

Eeekkk...kind of nervous here. Not about doing it...I'm actually all ready, but I have a habit of screwing things up with my computer and well, knowing me, something will happen Thursday night!! Hope you can join me and see what crazy mishaps I can create!!!

Oh, and check out what Bree has created for all who participate! I can't wait to get my hands on those frames! Well, I guess I'll never really touch them, but you know what I mean...
There is also a daytime Speed Scrap on Tuesday, 11 am (central) at Scrap Matters, too. SO much fun!


Angel said...

That's not fair! I'm still out of commission. What do you think the chances are that a miracle will occur between now and Thursday? I so want to do your challenge!

Christy Peffly said...

had fun tonight at the speed scrap...can't wait for the next one!